بحث أرشيف المناقصات
أرشيف مناقصات مشاريع مائية في العراق

48115# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Canal

48105# Iraq Tender - Unified Water Project

48096# Iraq Tender - Construction Concrete Water Storage Tank

48040# Iraq Tender - Upgrade Wash Facilities

47692# Iraq Tenders - Provision of New water Tank

47657# Iraq Tenders - water network and material supply

47533# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Boreholes

47477# Iraq Tenders - Water Network and Material Supply

47188# Iraq Tender - ITT-IQOSM-19-0003

46755# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Compact Units

46754# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of WASH Facilities

46749# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of RO Units

45973# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of WTP

45728# Iraq Tender - Water Network Development

45724# Iraq Tender - Wastewater Treatment Plant

45522# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of WTP

45341# Iraq Tender - Supply & Delivery of NFI Kits

45340# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of WTP & Two Booster Stations

45122# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Treatment Plant