بحث أرشيف المناقصات
أرشيف مناقصات إنشاء وبناء في العراق

149480# Iraq Tenders - Upgrade of Primary School 4

149479# Iraq Tenders - Upgrade of Primary School 3

149471# Iraq Tenders - Upgrade of Primary School 2

149470# Iraq Tenders - Upgrade of Primary School

149461# Iraq Tenders - Provision of civil work services on call-off basis

149225# مناقصات العراق - انشاء بناية

149085# مناقصات العراق - انشاء بناية

148964# Iraq Tenders - Construction of Social Housing Complex

148733# Iraq Tenders - Construction of a 6 Classroom School

148732# Iraq Tenders - Construction of Vocational Training Building

148716# مناقصات العراق - انشاء مركز صحي