بحث أرشيف المناقصات
أرشيف مناقصات مشاريع مائية في العراق

75495# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Complex

75304# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Complexes

75292# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Ten Water Networks

75282# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Infrastructure

75131# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Complexes

75126# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Two Drainage Systems

75122# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Ten Water Networks

74850# Iraq Tender - Pipeline Rehabilitation & Water Treatment Plant

74779# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Pumping Station

74769# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Sewage and Storm Water Networks

74571# Iraq Tender - Water Treatment Plant - Maintenance

74553# Iraq Tender - Implementation of Wash Spaces

74377# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Two WTP Stations

74126# مناقصات العراق - تبديل شبكات الماء

74123# مناقصات العراق - مد شبكات ماء لقريتي