المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات إنشاء وبناء في العراق

14108# Iraq Tenders - Parking Sun Shade

14103# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Prefabricated Latrines and Showers

14102# Iraq Tenders - Digging Borehole

14034# مناقصات العراق - انشاء محلات

13972# مناقصات العراق - إنشاء بناية

13970# مناقصات العراق - إنشاء بناية

13796# Iraq Tenders - Renovation of 170 Residential Houses

13794# Iraq Tenders - Construction of Three (3) Steel Gamalon Warehouses

13793# Iraq Tenders - Renovation of New Doctors Accommodation Building

13790# Iraq Tenders - Construction CFS

13789# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of School

13787# Iraq Tenders - Construction of 15 Latrines and Showers