المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات إنشاء وبناء في العراق

14467# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Garage

14444# Iraq Tenders - Title Prefabricated Shelter Units

14441# Iraq Tenders - Framework agreement for Construction Works

14440# Iraq Tenders - Renovation of (7) Seven Schools

14425# مناقصات العراق - انشاء بناية

14409# Iraq Tenders - Construction and Installation of Steel Sunshade

14408# Iraq Tenders - Renovation of residential Houses in Iraq

14395# مناقصات العراق - إنشاء مستشفي

14332# Iraq Tenders - PROVISION OF MINOR CIVIL

14331# مناقصات العراق - اعمال مدنية ثانوية

14260# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Schools and Roof Isolation

14259# Iraq Tenders - Supply Of Rehabilitation Materials

14256# Iraq Tenders - Renovation of Schools

14255# Iraq Tenders - Renovation of Schools

14254# Iraq Tenders - Renovation of 182 Housing Units

14253# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of three (3) Buildings

14250# Iraq Tenders - Construction of Police Station

14249# Iraq Tenders - Construction of Police Station

14248# Iraq Tenders - Construction of Police Station

14247# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of 38 Shops

14245# Iraq Tenders - Renovation of Building

14244# Iraq Tenders - Construction of Police Stations

14196# Iraq Tenders - Open Channel Work