المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

62393# مناقصات العراق - توريد مادة كيماوية

62392# مناقصات العراق - استكمال قاعة

62363# Iraq Tenders - Renovation of Vocational Training Center (VTC)

62362# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of School 3

62360# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of School 2

62359# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of School

62358# Iraq Tenders - Non-Food Items 2

62357# Iraq Tenders - Non-Food Items

62356# Iraq Tenders - Renovation Of Registration Center

62355# Iraq Tenders - Tool-Kits for Vocational Trainees

62354# Iraq Tenders - Daily Transportation Services of Food Baskets

62353# Iraq Tenders - IT Equipment

62352# Iraq Tenders - Assets for Vocational Training

62351# Iraq Tenders - Preparation & Installation of Stage

62350# Iraq Tenders - IT & Office Equipment

62349# Iraq Tenders - End-term Evaluation

62348# Iraq Tenders - Cash Transfer

62347# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Greenhouses

62346# Iraq Tenders - Vehicle Rental Services

62345# Iraq Tenders - New Empty Gas Cylinder