المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

74565# Iraq Tender - Supply of PPE items (medical accessories/COVID19)

74564# Iraq Tender - Full Rehabilitation of School

74561# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Electrical Network

74559# Iraq Tender - Construction and Stringing for 11kV single circuit

74557# Iraq Tender - Digging & Implementing Water Wells

74555# Iraq Tender - Maintenance of Centers

74554# Iraq Tender - Maintenance of The Sewer Systems

74553# Iraq Tender - Implementation of Wash Spaces

74552# Iraq Tender - Voucher Program

74551# Iraq Tender - Medical Consumables 2

74550# Iraq Tender - Medical Consumables

74390# Iraq Tenders - Cash for Work for Cleaning the Sewerage Pipe

74389# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Lighting Networks

74388# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Sewage and Stormwater Networks

74387# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of School

74385# Iraq Tenders - Full Rehabilitation of School

74384# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Electrical Feeder and Networks

74383# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Printings

74382# Iraq Tenders - Supply of High Visibility Clothing