المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

77073# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Network 2

77072# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Network

77071# Iraq Tender - Full Rehabilitation of Municipal Asphalt Plant

77070# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Five Water Complexes

77069# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Complex 2

77068# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Complex

77067# Iraq Tender - Provision & Delivery of Hygiene

77066# Iraq Tender - Hygiene Kits & Sanitation Materials

77065# Iraq Tender - Hawala Services

77064# Iraq Tender - Upgrading & Extension of School

77063# Iraq Tender - Medical Consumables

77062# Iraq Tender - Supply of Hygiene Items & NFI

77061# Iraq Tender - Healthy Food Kits

77060# Iraq Tender - Construction of Registration Center

77059# Iraq Tender - Kitchen Garden Seeds

77058# Iraq Tender - Water Network Rehabilitation

77057# Iraq Tender - Translation & Interpretation

77055# Iraq Tender - Supply Toners

77054# Iraq Tender - Supply & Distribution of Stationary

77053# Iraq Tender - Provision of Guard Services

77052# Iraq Tender - Personal Protective Equipment PPE

77050# Iraq Tender - Extension & Upgrading of a School

77048# Iraq Tender - Maintenance Training

77047# Iraq Tender - Hotel Accommodation | Re-Ad