المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

68077# مناقصات العراق - تامين مواد الاصول

68074# مناقصات العراق - تجهيز مواد قرطاسية

68057# Iraq Tender - Medical Equipment

68055# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of 7 Damaged Houses

68054# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of 18 Damaged Houses

68053# Iraq Tender - Baseline Survey Study

68051# Iraq Tender - International Consultancy - Economic Reform Expert

68050# Iraq Tender - International Consultancy - Credit Guarantee Expert

68049# Iraq Tender - International Consultancy - Livelihood Advisor

68048# Iraq Tender - Full Scale Rehabilitation of Kindergarten 2

68047# Iraq Tender - Civil and Electrical Connection Of Generators

68046# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Complex

68045# Iraq Tender - Full Scale Rehabilitation of Kindergarten

68042# Iraq Tender - Equipment & Consumable for Water Quality Testing