المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

82757# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of School

82751# مناقصات العراق - انشاء بناية

82736# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Furniture

82732# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation General Hospital

82718# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Furniture for Two PHCs

82709# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Laboratory Coats and Caps

82708# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Furniture

82707# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of CCPC

82706# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of PHC

82702# Iraq Tenders - Consultancy service for Dam Safety Expert

82695# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Electrical Networks

82692# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Catalyst for Hydro Desulphurisation unit