المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

84884# Iraq Tenders - Lab equipment purchase for water analysis

84883# Iraq Tenders - Armored vehicles leasing

84881# مناقصات العراق - تجهيز TRI ETHYLENE GLYCOL

84875# مناقصات العراق - تأجير مركبات مدرعة

84873# Iraq Tenders - Soft Skin Vehicle Rental with Drivers

84872# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Equipment for Soil Concrete Laboratory

84871# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Furniture 2

84870# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of 150 Houses

84869# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Electrical Transformers

84868# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Furniture

84867# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Equipment for Laboratories

84818# Iraq Tenders - Supply pipelines 8 25 km