المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

90787# Iraq Tenders - Providing Daily Cleaning Services

90785# Iraq Tenders - PRINTING MATERIALS

90780# Iraq Tenders - Improve Outer Fencing Lighting and Safety

90778# Iraq Tenders - Improve Food Safety and Storage

90776# Iraq Tenders - Construction of drain inlets for rainwater

90773# Iraq Tenders - Civil Society Empowerment Specialist

90772# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Education Warehouse

90616# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Houses

90614# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of WASH Facilities in 4 PHCs

90613# Iraq Tenders - Upgrading of 3 Water Supply system

90612# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of 434 Housing Units

90611# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Furniture

90610# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Police Station