المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

15541# توفير احبار وخراطيش للطابعات

15540# Provision of office supplies

15539# توفير القرطاسية المكتبية

15538# Hiring Services of Consultant

15537# Supply of Hygiene Kit

15443# Supply of Neutral for Twisted Cable

15442# تجهيز سلك متعادل

15441# تجهيز صفيح كاربون ستيل

15440# تجهيز Electrical Material

15439# تجهيز قابلوات كهربائية مسلحة

15435# Supply of Handling Tools

15434# Supply of Spare Parts for Brake Band Drawworks E2000

15432# Training Program to the Joint Crisis Coordination Centre ICRRP

15431# Reconstruction of Three Schools of 18 Classes

15430# Rehabilitation of Secondary Electrical Power Station No. 3

15429# Rehabilitation of Secondary Electrical Power Station No. 4

15428# Rehabilitation of Secondary Electrical Power Station No. 6

15427# Rehabilitation of Secondary Electrical Power Station No. 5

15426# Rehabilitation of Secondary Electrical Power Station No. 2

15425# Renovation Housing Works of 108 units

15424# Ambulance management System software