المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

39525# Iraq Tender - Construction of School

39524# Iraq Tender - Construction of School

39523# Iraq Tender - Rubble Removal and Cleaning of the Public Spaces

39522# Iraq Tender - Construction of school

39521# Iraq Tender - Construction of school

39520# Iraq Tender - Construction of School

39518# Iraq Tender - Construction of School

39493# Iraq Tenders - Registering with Suppliers Database

39492# Iraq Tenders - Stationary & Toys

39491# Iraq Tenders - Distribution Materials

39490# Iraq Tenders - Maintenance & Tools

39489# Iraq Tenders - Ink Toners

39488# Iraq Tenders - Vehicles Rental

39487# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of 4 Power Substation

39486# Iraq Tenders - Durable Upgrades of Critical Shelter

39485# Iraq Tenders - Hotel & Conference Space Solicitation

39484# Iraq Tenders - Travel Agency Solicitation

39483# Iraq Tenders - Office & Accommodation Supplies

39482# Iraq Tenders - Supply of ICT Equipment

39481# Iraq Tenders - Upgrading of School 2

39480# Iraq Tenders - Upgrading of School

39479# Iraq Tenders - rehabilitation of Water Treatment Plant