المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

45802# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Police Station

45801# Iraq Tender - Extension of Pipe lines

45797# Iraq Tender - CCI-MADAD Labour Market Assessment

45795# Iraq Tender - Vehicle Services

45794# Iraq Tender - Vehicle Rent Minivan

45793# Iraq Tender - Provision of Office Supplies

45792# Iraq Tender - Supply of Generators

45729# Iraq Tender - Stationery Supply

45728# Iraq Tender - Water Network Development

45727# Iraq Tender - Shelter Durable Upgrades 2

45726# Iraq Tender - Shelter Durable Upgrades

45725# Iraq Tender - Safety & Security Trainings

45724# Iraq Tender - Wastewater Treatment Plant

45723# Iraq Tender - Supply Wheelchairs for disabled children

45722# Iraq Tender - Voucher Program

45589# Iraq Tenders - Aluminium Hydroxide

45588# Iraq Tenders - Underground telephone cable to strengthen

45587# Iraq Tenders - Metal supply

45586# مناقصات العراق - امدادات المعادن