Search Archive Tenders
Construction Building Tenders Archive in Iraq

#15035 Iraq Tenders - Renovation of 2 Health Center

#14965 Iraq Tenders - Renovation of Building

#14958 Iraq Tenders - Basement Construction Work

#14881 Iraq Tenders - Reconstruction of Three Schools

#14801 Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Schools

#14786 Iraq Tenders - Renovation Works of Hospital

#14782 Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Schools

#14610 Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of School

#14526 Iraq Tenders - Renovation of Schools

#14517 Iraq Tenders - Renovation of Restrooms

#14467 Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Garage

#14440 Iraq Tenders - Renovation of (7) Seven Schools

#14332 Iraq Tenders - PROVISION OF MINOR CIVIL