بحث أرشيف المناقصات
أرشيف مناقصات خدمات أمنية وعسكرية في العراق

20686# Iraq Tender - Provision of Mobile Security Services

20624# Iraq Tender - Provision of Mine & UXO Clearance Service

20622# Iraq Tender - Provision of Mine & UXO QA/QC Service

20310# مناقصات العراق - شراء كلاب بوليسية

20258# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Water Station

20250# Iraq Tender - Refilling Fire Extinguishers

20098# Iraq Tender - Supply of Accessories and Materials for Safety

19846# Iraq Tender - Technical Survey for Demining

19387# Iraq Tender - Supply of Fire Fighting & Safety Equipment

19364# Iraq Tender - Supplying and Installing Surveillance System

18915# Iraq Tender - Supply of Safety and Security Equipment