المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات أخرى في العراق

115551# Iraq Tenders - Hazardous waste treatment and disposal

115421# Iraq Tenders - Drones

115420# مناقصات العراق - طائرات بدون طيار

115347# Iraq Tenders - Relocation Protection CSSs

115344# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Community Assets

115340# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Appreciation Packs

115313# Iraq Tenders - Supplying of medicine

115307# Iraq Tenders - Provision of weught bridge for S2 loading station

115177# Iraq Tenders - Supplying O.R surgery pediatrics equipment

114893# Iraq Tenders - Provision of PSS Materials for Protection Activities

114803# Iraq Tenders - Supply of Integrity Consumables and Materials

114802# Iraq Tenders - Provision of Skills Trainings in Agriculture Sector

114549# Iraq Tenders - Provision of EORE Materials for CL Team