المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات إنشاء وبناء في العراق

33870# Iraq Tender - Construction of Latrines in Bersive One Camp

33858# Iraq Tender - Widening & Renovation for Basan Elementary School

33856# Iraq Tender - Cleaning & Renovation for Salam Irrigation Channel

33850# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Three Schools in East Mosul

33637# Iraq Tender - Supply of Construction Material

33636# مناقصات العراق - توريد مواد البناء

33619# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation work for Sada Al-Iraq school in Touz

33455# Iraq Tender - Reconstruction of New Baiji Police Station Building

33362# مناقصات العراق - إنشاء بناية