المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات إنشاء وبناء في العراق

44946# Emirates Tender - Upgrading of School

44939# Emirates Tender - Rehabilitation of Schools

44855# مناقصات العراق - البناء والصيانة

44854# مناقصات العراق - انشاء ورشة

44800# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Police Station

44798# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Primary School

44514# Iraq Tender - Construction & Rehabilitation Works

44507# Iraq Tender - Waste Management

44416# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Building

44406# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of PHCs, Hospital, & Schools

44401# مناقصات عمان - اعمال تاهيل المحلة 3

44399# مناقصات عمان - اعمال تاهيل المحلة 2

44398# مناقصات عمان - اعمال تاهيل المحلة 1

44082# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of PPHC

43828# Iraq Tenders - Two Schools

43824# مناقصات العراق - مدرستين

43805# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of 214 Housing units

43803# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation Housing Works of 187 Units

43604# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of Housing Works of 136 Units

43603# Iraq Tender - Rehabilitation of 241 Housing Units