المناقصات حسب مجال العمل
مناقصات العراق

143707# Iraq Tenders - DGS CP System Modification

143706# مناقصات العراق - تعديل نظام DGS CP

143705# Iraq Tenders - Supplying of spare parts for vibrator

143624# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation of Sport Club

143622# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation Housing of 30 units

143621# Iraq Tenders - Rehabilitation Housing Works of 109 units

143620# Iraq Tenders - Full Rehabilitation of Municipality Building

143616# Iraq Tenders - Provision of Medical Insurance Services

143615# Iraq Tenders - Purchase and Provision of Air Purifiers

143611# Iraq Tenders - Auction for Sale of Used Vehicles

143610# Iraq Tenders - Purchase and Provision of PSS Handcraft